About me

Welcome to my blog!

I’m Chris Green, the vicar St James, Muswell Hill, a vibrant church in North London. Before that, I was Vice Principal at Oak Hill Theological College, a seminary in North London, teaching on preaching, church leadership, church planting and ministry. I’m a Church of England minister, and I’ve been involved in leading four churches. I’ve written several books, and most recently published The Gift: How your Leadership Can Serve Your Church.

The real story

I was born on the edge of south London, and I grew up in a loving and stable family. We was taken regularly to church, and fortunately it was one with a brilliant children’s and youth work. I honestly can’t remember when I became a Christian, but I do remember standing by a bus stop on a rainy November afternoon, and I was late for going away on a youth group weekend; I decided that I would become a Christian then and there, if God would provide me with a bus! I prayed a prayer, opened my eyes and a bus pulled up. I do not recommend that as a pattern.

An active church youth group meant I went on camps and had opportunities to give talks, and eventually people began to suggest I should head for fully-time ministry. No-one at the school or church gave me any guidance at this point, so I ended up studying Divinity at New College, Edinburgh; at that time it was one of the most theologically solid universities in the UK although I didn’t know it, and I had a brilliant foundation for future ministry. God was very kind to an innocent 18-year old!

I was also looking at being ordained in the Church of England, and after a brief stay at Cranmer Hall, Durham, I was ordained in 1983 and worked in Christ Church, Virginia water, and then Christ Church, Bromley.

But back in Edinburgh, my flatmate Phil Edwards had persuaded me to come to the Christian summer camp he went to, and I came under the influence of the brilliant Andrew Cornes. Under him I learnt to study the Bible for myself, to explain it to others, to lead Bible studies – and above all, to put Christ first in everything. Those years under Andrew’s wings were the most formative of anything I have done.

The second most formative was a placement in Tennessee in a Southern Baptist Church, which introduced me to a seriousness and focus to the task of church leadership I had not encountered before. I still learn loads from our American sisters and brothers.

At the end of my contract in Bromley I couldn’t find the right church to move to, so I went instead to work for a year with Dick Lucas at the Proclamation Trust in London. I had two roles. One was to help teach on the first year of the Cornhill Training Course, and this introduced me to the role of training future preachers that has become such a major theme of my ministry. The other was to help Dick finish The Bible Speaks Today on 2 Peter and Jude, and this introduced me the idea of writing Christian books, which is another major slice of my ministry.

I then spent a happy eight years in Surbiton, minister at Emmanuel Church, Tolworth, where we had great experiences in ministry, and I married Sharon – and now with two great boys.

We moved to Oak Hill in 2000, to be David Peterson’s Vice Principal, and then Mike Ovey’s. It is a wonderful thrill to see successive generations of young men and women heading into ministry with hearts on fire for Christ and a passion to see a world won for him.

And now we’ve reached a new phase of life and ministry, back into church life again in busy North London, St James, Muswell Hill. Join us one Sunday!

Contact me

The best way to talk to me is using the Comments at the bottom of each post.  If you would like me to do a guest post on your blog or podcast, email me at ministrynutsandbolts@gmail.com

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20 comments on “About me”

  1. Didn’t realise you spent time in Durham. (Mind you, there’s a lot I didn’t realise about you!) I spent a happy 3 years as an undergraduate there, getting great ministry experience & training in the CU and at church too.
    Ps one great thing about being ill this afternoon is having the time to read some of your blog! It’s been informative and thought-provoking, thank you.

      1. Our 2 boys caught hand foot and mouth disease this week, which up til then I thought was just for cows! Not sure if it’s my turn now.

  2. You grew up in Ashtead, I in Leatherhead. You studied at New College Edinburgh, I at Free Church Coll next door. You and I both moved to ministries in Surbiton in 1992. Anyone would say I was stalking you, Chris. Am I destined to make a move to NW London some day?? Don’t worry, no plans.
    Love the blog – best one I make the effort to read.

  3. Chris, so wonderful to find this. We loved your ministry in Bromley. Now back in NZ.

    Would love to be in contact.

    Jane and Mark Sweeney

  4. Chris,
    God brought you to mind after so many years. I was one of the members of the youth group at First Baptist Church Jackson, TN. I’m so glad I came across your webpage and I’m encouraged by your faithful walk with our Lord.

    I’d love to reconnect and catch up. My wife and I plan to visit the UK within the next year. Hope to continue our conversation via email. I remain in contact with many members of FBC, even though I now reside in Virginia. Hope to reconnect soon. God bless you.

    Best regards,
    Rich McDaniel

  5. Last week I attended Basics Conference at Parkside Church Chagrin Falls, Ohio USA which was led by Alistair Begg, Pastor, and guests Hershael York, Pastor Buck Run in Kentucky, and Colin Smith at The Orchard just ourside Chicago, Illinois.

    1500 pastors and Christian workers attended and, for me, I wish we could return without having to wait 12 months for the next conference.

    During the Q&A with Alistair he answered a question about his source material for a message serices on Jude. He mentioned Lucas and Green, so I looked you up and here I am!

    1. Hi Bruce – well done in tracking me down! That’s really kind of Alastair, and I’m delighted he found it helpful. I don’t know that conference but it looks really helpful.

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