Hi, I’m Chris Green I’m a pastor and a writer based in London, and I’m committed to helping pastors lead healthy churches. That means looking at the key areas of healthy church life: worship, relationships, discipleship, serving one another, evangelism, and training the next generation.  Those all happen by applying the same two principles: God’s

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How to design a sermon series

There are some church leaders who only plan and prepare each sermon in the week before, being committed to the idea that God speaks in the moment, and they don’t want to silence him.  I respect that, but my experience is that planning a sermon series ahead of time, doesn’t do that. In fact, if

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Thinking – deliberately thinking – is a critical leadership task. A book review for pastors: The Road Less Stupid.

Let me share something blindingly simple and obvious.  So simple and obvious, in fact, that it’s taken me until I’m old enough to have a bus pass (US readers, = old enough to remember the moon landing) to spot it. Thinking is really important. #Leadership #thinking #pastor